Twinkie Aged for One Year...Plus Several Months Screenshot

Twinkie Aged for One Year Plus Several Months

That’s right, I didn’t throw the Twinkie away! Instead it’s been living in the back of my closet for over a year and the results speak for themselves. I give you, the Twinkie Aged for One Year Plus Several Months in all of it’s glory:

Twinkie Aged for One Year...Plus Several Months

Ok, I realize the Twinkie looks exactly the same, but it doesn’t FEEL exactly the same. It’s gotten a little firmer, like it’s slowly drying out. Of course, this means that it’s doing the opposite of turning to liquor but that won’t deter me, mostly because I have barely put any effort into this experiment in the first place. So I guess what I’m saying is that I will check up on the Twinkie again in another year or so to see if anything has changed.

…unless that triumvirate of Twinkies overwhelm my resolve. Then I don’t know what I’ll do. So I guess mark you calendars now for the Twinkie Aged for One Year Plus Several Months PLUS another year or several months or maybe I’ll never mention it again. There’s really know way to know at this point. 






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Well, it’s been two years now: how’s the twinkie? (^_^)


I have a 6 year old Twinkie in my desk drawer. I bought a pack when Hostess was “going out of business” in 2012 figuring it would be valuable. It is not. I have not decided if I will eat it or not. Maybe next year.


I’ve marked it down on my calendar, I’ll be back here in a year…


Be prepared for amazement and horror! Or more likely mild interest in the fact that the Twinkie will probably look pretty much the same.

Party on Darth

It’s been a year. Come back.


Oh I totally forgot about the twinkie! Will you drink the dry, stale filling with a straw?


That’s the plan! Since the Twinkie is getting more stale by the day I’m not sure how drinkable it will be though…

Patrick Ehland

Silly customer! You cannot hurt a Twinkie!


Sadly you can, they’re a lot more destructible then you might think.


How do you think that would taste if someone ate it?


Probably very stale and very dry. I know there are rumors about Twinkies lasting past the apocalypse but based on my limited research I don’t think that will be the case.