
Frosty Chocolate Milkshakes

I know not everyone is a fan of the Ulman Shorts and Season One Simpsons, but I am! You can see glimmers of all the great things that are to come from the show in these early episodes. And for whatever reason the writers of early Simpsons had a thing for milkshakes. Don’t get me wrong, milkshakes are delicious – so if you’re going to focus on something it’s not a bad choice. I think what I like best about the frosty chocolate milkshakes trope is that after Season One it is only used a handful of times throughout the shows run. We cycle back to this joke every dozen or so years, which is pretty impressive given that this joke could have been beat into the ground like so many others.

One other thing I want to point out before we get into the recipe. For the Tracey Ullman Simpsons Short “Football” when they finally do get to the milkshakes (it takes a while…that’s the joke) the milkshakes look less chocolate and more strawberry. As in they’re red. Was this an issue with the writing, directing or what? I hope someone got fired for that blunder, blah, blah, you know the routine at this point.

Homer Clone: Let’s all go out for some frosty chocolate milkshakes!
– Treehouse of Horror XIII (The Simpsons Season 14 – Episode 1)


Marge: Homer, look what someone left in the kitchen. Frosty chocolate milkshakes.
– Treehouse of Horror XXV (The Simpsons Season 26 – Episode 4)



  • 6 Large Scoops of Chocolate Ice Cream
  • 1/2 Cup of Milk
  • Chocolate Syrup to Taste


Scoop generous portions of ice cream into a blender. Add milk and chocolate syrup. Blend until well combined and frosty, serve in a (hopefully not cracked) glass.


These tasted great! I never realized that making a frosty chocolate milkshake would be so simple. The only thing left to do is make Krusty’s Partially Gelatinated, Non-Dairy, Gum-Based Beverages. They would need to be non-dairy so I guess soy or almond milk? Plus I don’t really know what gum-based means exactly: xanthan and/or guar gum perhaps? I guess that’s a post for another day…

Cromulence: 9 Realistic Flesh Tones out of 10

Frosty Chocolate Milkshakes Recipe From: Tracey Ullman Simpsons Short “Football” / There’s No Disgrace Like Home (The Simpsons Season 1 – Episode 4) / Treehouse of Horror XIII (The Simpsons Season 14 – Episode 1) / Treehouse of Horror XXV (The Simpsons Season 26 – Episode 4)






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Ryan Devan

I imagine they were colored red because they either ran out of brown or wanted to save it.


Have you ever tried cinnamon mixed into chocolate ice cream? It tastes like a chocolate malt. That is always what I imagined frosty chocolate milkshakes to taste like…. Not sure why!


Interesting! I wouldn’t think to add cinnamon to chocolate but now I must.