
Au Gratin Potatoes – That’s a Quality Side

Yes, this is one of those real recipes where I make actual edible food. They can’t all be beer poured over a frozen dinner people! Anyway, Mayor Quimby is correct, au gratin potatoes are a quality side. We get to see brief shot of them as prepared by the Springfield Dinner Theater and they look pretty good, if somewhat generic. They also weren’t poisoned by Fat Tony, which is nice. However, we never get to see what Marge’s au gratin potatoes looks like…so I’m left to come up with a recipe myself.

Flanders: Fee, fi, fo, fum! I smell the potatoes au gratin of Marge Simpson.
– When Flanders Failed (The Simpsons Season 3 – Episode 3)



  • 3 russet potatoes
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese (the real kind, not the kind that comes in a green container)
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat the oven to 350F and grease an 8-inch baking dish. Thinly slice potatoes with a knife or mandolin if you have one. Arrange a layer of potatoes and pour a small amount of cream on top, then add salt, pepper and grated cheese. Repeat this process for each subsequent layer of potatoes. Pour the leftover cream on top. Bake uncovered for approximately one hour or until potatoes are tender.


My terrible photography skills strike again! This was an “on the road” recipe so lighting was not optimal and I had to get this shot before this entire dish of food was devored by ravenous humans. Please note: this recipe is yummy but extremely unhealthy. Heavy cream is delicious but also probably not something you should be eating every day. These potatoes turned out pretty well, albeit a little drier than I would have liked perhaps due to some mob interference?

Cromulence: 8 Use The Forks out of 10

Au Gratin Potatoes Recipe From: Mayored to the Mob (The Simpsons Season 10 – Episode 9) / When Flanders Failed (The Simpsons Season 3 – Episode 3)






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Pleasing taste, some monsterism.


Those would go well with a nice steamed ham!


They would go even better with steamed clams!