Cartoon Cuisine
Izzy’s Deli Krusty the Clown Sandwich
I don’t usually remake recipes since all of my attempts turn out exactly perfect the first time and require no changes whatsoever. But the Krusty the Clown Sandwich needed a redo because I disliked my first sandwich and certain people tried to prove that THEY could make a better sandwich and it turned into a…
A Fresh Batch of America Balls
Happy (almost) Independence Day! And by that I mean happy independence day to any American readers. Anyone else who is reading this probably doesn’t care about July 4. In honor of this special occasion I had to make the most patriotic food I could think of: a fresh batch of America Balls! So this is…
Stonecutter Ribs
Summer time equals barbeque time and what better way to enjoy the summer (or your initiation into a secret society) then by having some Stonecutter Ribs. I’d like to take this opportunity to express that I am in no way an expert on ribs. Nor have I ever claimed to be. Full credit for the…
Clove Tom Collins Pie
I have been avoiding the Clove Tom Collins Pie recipe for a while, for obvious reasons. Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve tried Bubble Crum, Salad with Mustard and Ketchup and Boiled Celery and I can say, without hyperbole, that this is a million times worse than all of them put together. In this so-called recipe Homer…
Parole Board Macaroons
Much like eggs, parole board macaroons have gotten a bad rap lately you know. The macaron, macaroons French cousin, have become the more popular dessert on the block. Also, whenever I hear the word “macaron”, I always imagine it pronounced in a snooty French accent. For example: “mac-a-RROONN”. In researching these two cookies things got…
Doughnut from Shangri-La
Full disclosure: I didn’t make the doughnut portion of the Doughnut from Shangri-La, it is a store bought doughnut. But my justification is that on The Simpsons the doughnut is ALSO store bought. So that works, right? Right? *Giant sloth shrug* Anyway, while Apu helpfully lists almost all of the the so-called “sprinkles” that Homer…
Got any book recommendations?