Cartoon Cuisine

  • Vegetables Promoted from Side Dish to Entree

    Vegetables Promoted from Side Dish to Entree

    Before I get into the Vegetables Promoted from Side Dish to Entree recipe, I want to talk about this image of Marge holding her stomach. Because she feels ill, Marge is holding her stomach. But to me it looks more like she is holding her breasts. I know she isn’t very “top heavy”, well except for…

  • Huevos Buffaleros Breakfast

    Huevos Buffaleros Breakfast

    Huevos buffaleros appears to be a play on huevos rancheros which (depending on where you live) is probably either easy or difficult to find. For me, it’s difficult to find so I was excited to try and make this. My goal for this breakfast was to make the rancheros version of the eggs and then…

  • Skinner’s Steamed Hams

    Skinner’s Steamed Hams

    Skinner’s Steamed Hams has been on my request list for awhile. Quite a few people asked that I make this and I’m nothing if not compliant. As always, I aim for true authenticity so I didn’t actually make the steamed hams. Instead, I bought them just like Seymour did. Ah delightfully devilish Eats Like A…

  • Hush Puppies

    Hush Puppies

    Besides the tv that Homer is using to watch the cooking show (and the deep fryer he is using to make the Hush Puppies) there are also the following items in the car: DVD player Snow cone machine Lite-Brite Fog machine “even I think this is crazy” Karaoke machine Fax machine (I think?) Heat lamp…

  • Purple Mush Dinners: A Discussion

    Purple Mush Dinners: A Discussion

    Early episodes of The Simpsons are many things: ground breaking and hilarious come to mind – but having stellar animation with great attention to detail? Not so much. I’ve been re-watching the early seasons recently and I have to ask: what are the Purple Mush Dinners the Simpsons family keeps eating at dinnertime? Exhibit one…

  • Rum and Zinc

    Rum and Zinc

    I know that in my Lawnmower post, I said that I wasn’t going to make a Rum and Zinc because I didn’t want to buy an entire bottle of zinc pills for a single recipe. Well, I recently became aware of all the wonderful properties that zinc possess and… No, not that! As much as…

Got any book recommendations?