Category: The Simpsons

  • Forbidden Doughnut

    Forbidden Doughnut

    We’ve all been there, you get that mid-morning sugar craving but all the doughnuts are gone. Then you end up selling your soul to the devil for a Forbidden Doughnut. You know, typical Tuesday. If you follow the blog at all, you might recall that Satan and I had a recent conversation regarding cursed frozen…

  • Cursed Frogurt

    Cursed Frogurt

    I’ve seen this Simpsons episode many, many times but I never bothered to find out what the potassium benzoate in the Cursed Frogurt actually is. Based on the conversion between Homer and the House of Evil owner, I’m going to guess that potassium benzoate is “bad” – but how bad is it? Apparently, it’s just…

  • Deadly Broccoli

    Deadly Broccoli

    According to Dr. Hibbert, broccoli is deadly and warns you of this fact by tasting terrible. And YET, in the season 10, episode 22 (They Saved Lisa’s Brain) Hibbert wants to talk about his “broccoli juice program”. Well which is it? Is broccoli deadly and terrible tasting or should the entire town be drinking broccoli…

  • Moist Carrot Cake Muffins

    Moist Carrot Cake Muffins

    Gross. Just the thought of eating a muffin that someone else had taken a bite of and then put back together and then I took a bite of it and didn’t realize…oh, dear god, no! And, if you weren’t already grossed out enough, I also want to talk about the word moist – which a…

  • Vegetables Promoted from Side Dish to Entree

    Vegetables Promoted from Side Dish to Entree

    Before I get into the Vegetables Promoted from Side Dish to Entree recipe, I want to talk about this image of Marge holding her stomach. Because she feels ill, Marge is holding her stomach. But to me it looks more like she is holding her breasts. I know she isn’t very “top heavy”, well except for…

  • Huevos Buffaleros Breakfast

    Huevos Buffaleros Breakfast

    Huevos buffaleros appears to be a play on huevos rancheros which (depending on where you live) is probably either easy or difficult to find. For me, it’s difficult to find so I was excited to try and make this. My goal for this breakfast was to make the rancheros version of the eggs and then…