Category: The Simpsons

  • Graffiti You Can Eatie

    Graffiti You Can Eatie

    As previously noted, Marge tries to show her love for her family through food and that effort is once again completely disregarded by Bart. If this episode proves anything it’s that Bart chooses to stop eating junk food and lose weight because it has bankrupted his family, not because he cares about his health. Anyway,…

  • Kippers For Breakfast

    Kippers For Breakfast

    Is it Saint Swithun’s Day already? Tis replied Aunt Eats Like A Duck! Yes, apparently July 15 is the Feast of Saint Swithun and so of course I had to have Kippers for Breakfast. Also of note, Kippers are apparently making a comeback as a breakfast food, so as usual I am on the cutting…

  • Izzy’s Deli Krusty the Clown Sandwich

    Izzy’s Deli Krusty the Clown Sandwich

    I don’t usually remake recipes since all of my attempts turn out exactly perfect the first time and require no changes whatsoever. But the Krusty the Clown Sandwich needed a redo because I disliked my first sandwich and certain people tried to prove that THEY could make a better sandwich and it turned into a…

  • A Fresh Batch of America Balls

    A Fresh Batch of America Balls

    Happy (almost) Independence Day! And by that I mean happy independence day to any American readers. Anyone else who is reading this probably doesn’t care about July 4. In honor of this special occasion I had to make the most patriotic food I could think of: a fresh batch of America Balls! So this is…

  • Stonecutter Ribs

    Stonecutter Ribs

    Summer time equals barbeque time and what better way to enjoy the summer (or your initiation into a secret society) then by having some Stonecutter Ribs. I’d like to take this opportunity to express that I am in no way an expert on ribs. Nor have I ever claimed to be. Full credit for the…

  • Clove Tom Collins Pie

    Clove Tom Collins Pie

    I have been avoiding the Clove Tom Collins Pie recipe for a while, for obvious reasons. Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve tried Bubble Crum, Salad with Mustard and Ketchup and Boiled Celery and I can say, without hyperbole, that this is a million times worse than all of them put together. In this so-called recipe Homer…