Category: Breakfast

  • Huevos Buffaleros Breakfast

    Huevos Buffaleros Breakfast

    Huevos buffaleros appears to be a play on huevos rancheros which (depending on where you live) is probably either easy or difficult to find. For me, it’s difficult to find so I was excited to try and make this. My goal for this breakfast was to make the rancheros version of the eggs and then…

  • Recipe Redo: Moe’s Super Sunday Brunch Spectacular

    Recipe Redo: Moe’s Super Sunday Brunch Spectacular

    I made Moe’s Super Sunday Brunch Spectacular last year and some readers objected because I didn’t go “official” with the ingredients. Based on the episode, it seems pretty obvious that the bread is supposed to be Wonder Bread and the bologna should be one of those round package styles. So that’s what I made this…

  • Chester J. Lampwick Foods – Part One

    Chester J. Lampwick Foods – Part One

    Krusty: I gave him a couple of blintzes to paint my fence but he never did it. Chester J. Lampwick: Those blintzes were terrible. Krusty: Paint my fence! Chester J. Lampwick: Make me. – The Day the Violence Died (The Simpsons Season 7 – Episode 18) What I love about the exchange between Chester J.…

  • Wheatcakes For Mr. Mayor

    Wheatcakes For Mr. Mayor

    What exactly are wheatcakes? In the episode they looked like pancakes, so at first I thought these were just a regular pancake made with whole wheat flour. Turns out that the recipe for wheatcakes or wheat cakes (depending on your spelling) is just as subjective as a pancakes recipe. A few constants I found are…

  • Stolen Flanders Eggs

    Stolen Flanders Eggs

    Homer: I’m sorry, I can’t eat these. Flanders has freshly-pooped eggs, orange as a sunset over a field of ripe Doritos, while these…look, I’m just gonna say what we’re all thinking: store eggs are yellow. They’re yellow eggs, Marge. Yellow. Homer: Boy, I won’t live long enough to teach you about sex, but I’ll be…

  • Krusty Brand Imitation Gruel

    Krusty Brand Imitation Gruel

    Let’s start this post with the Wikipedia definition of gruel: “A type of food consisting of some type of cereal—oat, wheat or rye flour, or rice—boiled in water or milk. It is a thinner version of porridge that may be more often drunk than eaten and may not need to be cooked.” Krusty Brand Imitation Gruel…