Category: Beverage
The Lean Cuisini
Lean Cuisine is considered a “healthy” frozen dinner and is targeted toward women. It’s essentially the opposite of Hungry Man, whose slogan “eat like a man” is actually pretty close to this blogs slogan. I think the major difference between eating like a duck and eating like a man (besides the obvious variance in chewing…
Frosty Chocolate Milkshakes
I know not everyone is a fan of the Ulman Shorts and Season One Simpsons, but I am! You can see glimmers of all the great things that are to come from the show in these early episodes. And for whatever reason the writers of early Simpsons had a thing for milkshakes. Don’t get me…
Homer’s Homemade Kahlua
Of all the alcohol to sneak into a concert venue, I’ve got to say that Homer’s Homemade Kahlua ranks pretty low on my list. The stifling heat of an outdoor concert just doesn’t really pair well with the sweet coffee flavor of Kahlua, homemade or store bought. Obviously Homer doesn’t agree since he tried to…
Slurm Taste Test
Back in 2008, Boston America created a licensed energy drink based on Slurm, the popular (and highly addictive) soft drink from Futurama. This briefly existed alongside Simpsons energy drinks like Duff and the Flaming Moe, both also made by Boston America, but sadly, Slurm is no longer in production. I’ve had a can in…
Seth & Munchie’s Garden Blast
To be clear, I only made the “clean” Seth & Munchie’s Garden Blast because I don’t know where to get peyote…I mean because doing drugs is wrong and you deserve to have your life ruined if you try it even once. Um, or maybe a third alternative? But if I did decided to make it…
Cupid’s Ambrosia
It always amazes me how much people are willing to spend on Valentine’s Day. It reminds of another touchy feely holiday, but this one is somehow ingrained into society. But, if I’m going to spend money on Valentine’s Day my first priority is definitively booze over things like jewelry or flowers. Moe’s Cupid’s Ambrosia includes…